About Us

About Purposeful Planning Institute

Purposeful Planning Institute (PPI) is a nonprofit learning center for advisors and consultants and a platform for professional networking and collaboration. Our members include financial advisors, estate planning attorneys, trust officers, wealth managers, philanthropy consultants, and a host of other professionals and consultants serving legacy families and families in business.

Our Mission & Vision

Wellbeing Icon

Our mission is to educate, empower, and develop family advisors to cultivate family flourishing and individual wellbeing.

Purposeful Planning Institute is dedicated to transforming the estate planning process and elevating our industry to a new standard of client-centered planning. Our goal is to enable advisors and consultants to foster prosperous and purposeful relationships amongst their clients and their families that endure from one generation to the next.

Leadership Team

Julie Dorosz
Julie Dorosz

Executive Director

Shannon Mulvaney
Shannon Mulvaney

Director of Programs and Events

Board of Directors

Cathy Carroll

Vice Chair, Board of Directors

Brad Fisher
Brad Fisher

Treasurer, Chair of Finance & Compensation Committee

Kristen Heaney
Kristen Heaney

Chair of Education Development Committee

Matthew Wesley, JD, MDiv
Matthew Wesley

Chair of Governance & Nominating Committee

Thomasina Williams

Chair of Strategic Growth Committee

Council of Deans

PPI Deans play a significant role in the evolution and transformation of the Purposeful Planning landscape. They come from a variety of professional disciplines and serving backgrounds, but they share a common passion for assisting legacy families and families in business to discover the pathway to flourishing lives and families. The Deans are instrumental in forging the thought content and processes we are introducing through our podcasts, webinars, and at gatherings such as Rendezvous and the Purposeful Planning Symposium.

Susan Bradley
Susan Bradley, CFP®, CeFT

Dean of Professional Innovation & Practice Building

Kristi Daeda
Kristi Daeda

Dean of Family Business

Charles Eckhart
Charles Eckhart, PhD

Dean of Family Dynamics, Systems Theory, and Relationships

Ginni Galicinao, ACFBA, ACFWA, CAP®, CPCC, ORSC

Dean of Governance and Generational Wealth Transitions

Courtney Joyner Gage
Courtney Joyner Gage, CFP®

Dean of Values-Based Investing

Ian McDermott
Ian McDermott

Dean of Professional Intrapersonal Development & Skill Building

Karen McNeill
Karen McNeill, PhD, CAP®

Dean of Family Stories, History, and Culture

Melissa Mitchell-Blitch, MS, MA
Melissa Mitchell-Blitch, MS, MA

Dean of Individual Development Across the Lifespan

Lindsay Pope

Dean of Trusts, Trustees, and Beneficiaries

David R. York, Esq., CPA
David R. York, Esq., CPA

Dean of Increasing the Reach of Purposeful Planning in the World


PPI Fellows are thought leaders and industry innovators who play a significant role in the evolution and transformation of the Purposeful Planning landscape. PPI Fellows share their practical wisdom through our educational programs and at gatherings such as Rendezvous and the Purposeful Planning Symposium.

Stephanie West Allen, JD

Mediator, Speaker, and Writer

Mary Duke
Mary Duke, JD, TEP, CMA

Independent Advisor to Families

Kristin Keffeler, MSM, MAPP

Chief Learning Officer, Johnson Financial Group + Principal, illumination360

Matthew Wesley, JD, MDiv
Matthew Wesley, JD, M.Div

Partner, The Lovins Group

Hartley Goldstone, JD
Hartley Goldstone, JD

Principal, Trustscape LLC

James Grubman, PhD

Owner, Family Wealth Consulting

Courtney Pullen, MA, LPC
Courtney Pullen, MA, LPC

President, Pullen Consulting Group

Dennis T. Jaffe, PhD
Dennis T. Jaffe, PhD

Senior Research Fellow, Banyon Global Family Business Advisors


PPI Laureates are thought leaders and industry innovators who have made significant contributions to their respective fields and are well known for their commitment to Purposeful Planning.

Barb Culver, CFP®, ChFC, CLU, AEP®
James E. Hughes, Jr., Esq. Author & Philosopher
James E. Hughes, Jr., Esq.

Author & Philosopher

Richard B. Wagner, JD, CFP

Laureate Emeritus

John A. Warnick
John A. Warnick, Esq.

Founder, Purposeful Planning Institute