2023 Rendezvous

White Water Rafting & Mt. Evans Trip

July 31, 2023 | Westminster, Colorado

The Joy of Connection – Cultivating Possibilities

Pre-Rendezvous Adventure Activity

White Water Rafting & Mount Evans Trip

Monday, July 31st

Low Ticket Warning: Only 1 Spot Left!

For those who are looking for a true Colorado experience and some real adventure! Participants will meet early at the Westin Westminster on the morning of Monday, July 31st, and travel to Idaho Springs (45 minutes) to the Colorado Adventure Center for a White Water Rafting trip (intermediate option). Followed by lunch at the adventure center from one of the amazing local restaurants in the small mountain town of Idaho Springs. 

The group will then drive up Mt. Evans – the highest paved road in North America! It’s a beautiful and scenic drive to the top with alpine lakes, massive granite walls, strands of twisted, ancient bristlecone pine, mountain goats, and bighorn sheep. Participants can remain at the summit parking lot with amazing views or walk ~100 yards for a bit more of a view! 

Transportation will be provided.  We’ll be back in time for the optional opening reception of Rendezvous.

PPI member Jeff Savlov is organizing this trip. For more information, please contact Jeff directly at jsavlov@blumandsavlov.com.

*This is an at-your-own-risk activity and is not sponsored or organized by the Purposeful Planning Institute*

Secure Your Spot Today! Space is Limited.
